Understanding THE WONDERS OF Thanksgiving

PREACHER: PST. KAYODE MARTINS       ctw: Psalm 47        date: 30.05.2021

Thanksgiving is appreciating God for the present in anticipation of the future. It is the medium of pleasing God.

What are we thanking God for?

  • God is the source of all blessings (John 3:27)
  • For anticipation of perfection of all blessings

Benefits of thanksgiving:

  • It guarantees speedy answers to prayers (Philippians 4:6 Hebrews 10:36)
  • We keep scaling new heights without stress (Psalm 92:13)
  • Secures blessings on our lives (Malachi 2:1-3)

Next Level Banquet

Our lives are ordained for continuous growth and advancement (Proverbs 4:18). Every believer is meant to have progress (Micah 2:10)

the keys for continuous Change of level:

  • You need to be born again (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  • Be tired of your current level and desire a change of level (Proverbs 10:24)
  • Have a clear vision of your desired change of level (Genesis 13:14-15)
  • Walk in line with the word of God (2 Corinthians 3:18)
  • Continue to engage in divine instructions
  • Serve God and the interest of his kingdom
  • Continue to trust God to confirm his word (Luke 1:45)
  • Take practical steps to ensure change of level
  • Never give up until the change of level manifests itself
  • Continue to celebrate God for your current level


  • God won’t change your level outwardly until you change yourself inwardly
  • What you’re not tired of remain tied to your life