Communion Service

Welcome to the Communion Service at Covenant University!

Our Communion Service is a sacred gathering where students, and sometimes faculty, and staff come together in a spirit of unity and fellowship. This special service, held regularly on Wednesdays during the academic session, provides a profound opportunity for spiritual reflection, renewal, and communion with God.

During the Communion Service, we partake of the symbols of Christ’s body and blood, symbolizing our unity with Him and with one another. It is a time to pause from the busyness of academic life, to reflect on our spiritual journey, and to seek divine guidance for the challenges ahead.

Led by the Chaplain, and the spiritual leaders of the university, the Communion Service is a cornerstone of our commitment to holistic education. It serves as a reminder of our core values, our faith, and our mission to raise a new generation of leaders with a strong foundation in spirituality and character.

We invite you to join us at the Communion Service, where we come together as a community to worship, pray, and grow spiritually. Let this be a time of deepening your relationship with God and finding strength for the journey ahead.